Many times we need to find any word, which is very difficult to find by scrolling and keep looking. So, here is how to search for a word on a web page In Chrome, Firefox, Edge.
You can download chrome browser by clicking here.
1- First of all press Ctrl + F from keyboard after opening a web page from where you want to search a word. A small search box will be appeared.
2- Type the word that you want to search, it will highlight all the matched words from that web page.
3- Now you can scroll down to see the highlighted words or use the arrows from the search box to see next or previous highlighted word.
You can download Firefox browser by clicking here.
1- First of all press Ctrl + F from keyboard after opening a web page from where you want to search a word. A small search bar will be appeared.
2- Type the word that you want to search for and all the words will be highlighted, that will match your typed word. Firefox has some more advanced options to search you can try them also from the search bar.
3- Now you can scroll down to see the highlighted words or use the arrows from the search box to see next or previous highlighted word.
You can download Edge browser by clicking here.
1- Like others first of all press Ctrl + F from the keyboard after opening the web page you want to search from and a small search bar will be appeared.
2- Type the word that you want to search, it will highlight all the matched words from that web page.
3- Now you can scroll down to see the highlighted words or use the arrows from the search box to see next or previous highlighted word.
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